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How Do I Get The Motivation To Lose Weight?

Starting to make healthier lifestyle changes to lose weight can be difficult. Staying committed to your new routine and finding the motivation to keep going can be even tougher.

Motivation is what helps you stay focused on your goals, and everyone’s motivation is different. Losing weight is hard, but if you have a positive attitude, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

In this article, Ill give you some easy ways to stay motivated while trying to lose weight, so you’re always ready for the challenge.


how do I get the motivation to lose weight?

To find motivation for losing weight, don’t just rely on calorie counting and daily treadmill sessions. The real motivation should come from inside you. Begin by looking at your beliefs, figuring out which ones hold you back, and work on changing your thinking and setting realistic goals.


Find your purpose

Having a clear reason for what you’re doing is important, not just in business or relationships, but also for your personal goals. Your reasons are significant.

Tony believes that eating the right way gives you the energy to chase your dreams and lead a satisfying life. So, make sure you’re starting with the right purpose.

Change your story

It’s possible that you’re not getting started for the right reasons because you don’t believe you deserve to lose weight.

Or maybe you do have the right motivation, but you’re stuck thinking, “I’ve always been overweight.” To change your life, you need to change the way you think about yourself and your weight.

Start with self-love

Changing your story involves learning to care for yourself. Loving yourself can help you lose weight, and science supports this idea. Studies have shown that people who have a positive view of their bodies tend to be more successful in their weight loss journey.

 Another study found that when people improve how they see their bodies, it’s linked to losing weight. To achieve this, you can follow Tony’s plan, which guides you through the process of changing how you talk to yourself and how you think.

Practice positivity

If you’re finding it difficult to figure out your motivation or change your mindset, begin with positive thinking.

Many studies have proven that positive thinking can help reduce feelings of sadness, lessen stress, and improve your ability to handle challenges.

These positive changes can, in turn, reduce the reasons behind unhealthy habits.

Get educated

Real and long-lasting weight loss isn’t achieved by completely avoiding certain foods, starving yourself of calories, or running long races.

 It’s all about making lasting changes to your daily routines in a way that you can keep up with. When you figure out how to manage your diet, break down your meals, control your portion sizes, and do other small things, you’ll see that these little changes can lead to significant results.

 Avoid fads

Improve yourself every day 7

Tony advises, “Choosing to dedicate yourself to achieving long-lasting results, instead of quick fixes, is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life.”

You won’t achieve the lasting outcomes you desire by following short-lived trends. Stick to practical and achievable daily habits like controlling your meal sizes and eating healthily.

Stop comparing yourself to others

There will always be people who are more successful, smarter, or in better shape than you, but that’s not what’s important.

When you measure yourself against others, you’ll always feel like you’re not good enough. Weight loss motivation should be about what’s best for you, not for anyone else.

When you imagine your goals and the best version of yourself, you won’t be thinking about others.

 Examine bad habits

Some bad habits, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or eating too much in one go, can make it harder for you to lose weight. If you have one of these habits, it’s important to find a way to quit it permanently.

If you can’t do it by yourself, think about getting help from a professional who can assist you in changing your behavior and forming healthier habits.

Drink lots of water

Drinking plenty of water each day is good for controlling your hunger, staying hydrated, and getting rid of harmful substances from your body, which all help with losing weight.

How much water you should drink can vary, but experts generally suggest about two liters a day. However, this amount might change based on your size and how active you are.

Drinking two glasses of water before each meal can also make you eat less.

Why is it so tough to stay motivated for weight loss?

how do I get the motivation to lose weight?

Even some highly successful people struggle with this, despite achieving big things in other areas of life like careers, education, family, and finances. It’s a common challenge, and research shows that a staggering 80% of diets don’t work.

Several reasons make losing weight a tricky task. Firstly, many people approach it with an “all or nothing” mindset. You might have experienced this cycle:

You come back from a vacation or a weekend of indulgence and feel bad about your body. So, you tell yourself, “Okay, things will change from now on!” You start a trendy diet and throw out all the foods in your kitchen that don’t fit the diet rules.

For the first few days, it goes well… until a friend tempts you with a delicious slice of pizza. You give in, and because you’re now “off the wagon,” you think the whole day is ruined, so you eat whatever you want.

Being very strict with your eating might seem like the answer, but it often leads to failure. It’s like the classic trick where if someone says, “Don’t think about a pink elephant,” you can’t help but think of a pink elephant. The same goes for food. When you ban certain foods like carbs or sweets, you end up craving them even more.

Another common reason diets fail is that you’re looking for motivation in the wrong places.

Extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation for weight loss

Type of MotivationDescriptionExamples
Extrinsic MotivationExternal factors that drive you to lose weight, such as rewards or pressure from others.Winning a cash prize in a weight loss competition, feeling pressured by social expectations.
Intrinsic MotivationInternal factors that come from within, like personal goals or a strong desire for self-improvement.Wanting to be healthier for your own well-being, setting a goal to improve your fitness for personal satisfaction.


In the end, it took me nearly 3 years to shed 85 pounds. I’ve maintained my current weight for more than 5 years now. This guide on how to find the motivation to lose weight is here to assist you, but it’s ultimately your choice to follow it or not.

Being mindful and making lasting lifestyle changes are crucial to keeping the weight off. Your journey will make you stronger, teach you valuable lessons, and transform you.

Remember, your motivation comes from within. Discover your “why,” hold onto it, be patient, love yourself, and you’ll find success at the end of your journey.

What’s the key to successful weight loss?

Successful weight loss is achieved through a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and staying consistent with your efforts.

How can I break bad eating habits?

Breaking bad eating habits involves self-awareness, setting achievable goals, and replacing unhealthy habits with better choices.

Can I lose weight without going on a strict diet?

Yes, you can lose weight by making sustainable, balanced changes to your diet rather than resorting to extreme diets.

What’s the role of exercise in weight loss?

Exercise plays a vital role in weight loss by burning calories, building muscle, and improving overall fitness.

How can I deal with food cravings while trying to lose weight?

Managing food cravings involves staying hydrated, practicing mindful eating, and having healthy snacks readily available.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor for weight loss advice?

Consulting a doctor is a good idea if you need professional guidance or if you suspect you have disordered eating habits while trying to lose weight.